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Urban Canvas: On & On


28.09.2023 - 28.09.2026

10:00am - 10:00pm


B1/F - 6/F

Urban Canvas: On & On
Curatorial Statement

In ancient and modern times, nature nurtures all things, and the cycle of life forms a beautiful circle that seems to have no beginning and no end. There is a philosophical saying in Chinese Taoism called "Sheng Sheng" (life), which means that all changes occur without any end, and that all changes continue to be derived from each other and to grow. This "Sheng Sheng" represents the beautiful circle (cycle of life), allowing us to reflect on the present and look forward to the future. From this perspective, life and even history can be renewed, and it is precisely the past, present and future that are being revisited. In this project, we have extended the concept of "Sheng Sheng" into "Mian Mian” (continuity, or “on and on”), which not only conveys the sense of continuous flow, but also reflects the presenter's concern for continuity.

Modern life is full of technology and we have become accustomed to co-existing with screens. Therefore, this project takes "Urban Canvas" as the framework, turning the façade & screens in AIRSIDE into media art for showcasing the screen-based digital artworks, so that the audience can see and feel the art whenever they step into our space. The curated works are all moving image works that involve different technologies, such as animation, artificial intelligence, and generative programmes, etc. Apart from the key themes of man and nature, man and city, and man and community, the connection between arts & technology is also utilised to show the infinite possibilities of creativity on urban media facades.

The function of Tao is to create all things in the universe. Life is Tao, and when it comes to physical entities, they encompass all things on Earth in all shapes and sizes. Apart from being a thematic link between people, community and the environment, "Mian Mian" also represents the willingness and expectation of the audience to enrich their lives through art, and to embrace the beauty and affection conveyed by the moving images.

May all things grow and flourish.

Curators' Bio
Joel Kwong

Joel Kwong is an international media art curator, writer, producer and educator based in Hong Kong. She is currently the Programme Director for Microwave International New Media Arts Festival and the founder of SIBYLS – a creative consultation and production agency. She is an experienced media art practitioner with over 15 years of experience, her most recent projects include Out of Thin Air: Hong Kong Film Arts & Costume Exhibition (2023), Hylozoism: An Arts & Technology Exhibition (2022-2023), Microwave Festival edition 2022, Future Media Arts Festival, Connecting the Dots – webzine & online exhibition 2021, Glowing Dots – online exhibition 2021, and Transmedia storytelling projects in 2022 & 2020 in the theme of HALF HALF & All about Life and Death. She has given talks & lectures in different festivals and institutions, including Shenzhen Media Arts Festival, Transmediale in Berlin, Ars Electronica in Linz, ACT Festival in Gwangju/ Korea, AND Taiwan, The University of Electro-communications in Tokyo, Entertainment EXPO in Hong Kong, etc. She is currently teaching part-time in various tertiary institutions, including Hong Kong Design Institute, City University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, etc.

Keith Lam

Keith Lam is a media artist, co-founder and artistic director of "Dimension Plus", a Hong Kong-Taiwanese new media art team. He is also the founder of the composite space "openground".

Having been recognized and awarded in many outstanding international art festivals, including Prix Ars Electronica and Japan Media Arts Festival, Lam's works have traveled around the globe, being showcased at top-tier museums and art festivals. These highly acclaimed institutes include the Hong Kong Museum of Arts, the National Art Centre at Tokyo, OK Center for Contemporary Art, the New Technological Art Award Biennial in Belgium, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and more.

Lam is also an enthusiastic educator in the field of media art. He has been teaching at various tertiary institutions as a visiting scholar, associate professor and consultant with the aim of promoting the application of digital media in art.

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